Sara Downing
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Life isn’t going too well for Phoebe Grey. Newly single and unemployed, she desperately fills her evenings with meals-for-one, the TV, Arnie, her cat – and rehearsals for an amateur dramatic play, a futuristic rewrite of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
Phoebe wonders exactly where her life is heading. And then she meets Harry Kirkwood, an up-and-coming actor, who is currently playing Mr Darcy in a lavish West End production. He is about to be thrust into the spotlight as the acting world’s ‘next big thing', after years of struggling to get himself noticed.
But what could the charming Harry possibly see in little Phoebe Grey, an ordinary girl with an ordinary life, no designer clothes and no job?
Before she can say ‘Good heavens, Mr Darcy', Phoebe is thrown into the limelight alongside Harry, and life soon becomes a whirlwind of glamorous parties, meeting famous people and dodging the paparazzi.
Can Phoebe cope with all the attention? Is she really cut out for a celebrity lifestyle? When a rival for Harry’s affections threatens all she holds dear, can Phoebe find the strength to overcome her fears and find her happily-ever-after?