Sara Downing
When Sara was researching for The Lost Boy she met Vincent Conlan, who had been a pupil at the real school at Croome in the 1960s. The White Angel tells the story of his struggle through the care system...
Born out of wedlock in the 1950s, Vincent was abandoned by his mother and shunted between children's homes and foster families before being sent to St Joseph's, Croome Court, a school for 'problem' boys.
Branded a 'retard' by the authorities, who had failed to notice that he was desperately ill, a kindly nun at St Joseph's took Vincent under her wing and sought proper medical care for him, and he was operated on for a brain tumour. Free from the pain which had dogged his early years, his childhood could now begin properly, although there were many hurdles still to be overcome.
The White Angel is the inspiring story of a young boy's struggle to survive, and a grown man's quest to understand his past and create a future for himself.